Shopee Fans (Shopee Assistant), KeYouYun Auto Follow tool can help sellers automatically follow Shopee users. The software automatically filters inactive Shopee buyers and filter sellers of dead powder. One-click automatic cancellation of follow-up, regular cleaning of shop followers, and the ability to see recent user lists At the same time, it supports mass messaging to fans, allowing Shopee sellers to quickly increase store fans, increase store exposure and traffic, and do a good job in fan operations.
Don’t have Shopee Fans – Shopee Assistant ?
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1. Activate Shopee Auto Follow
[NOTE] If you has ordered this tool in KeYouYun ERP, you do not need to perform this step, please skip this step.
Click the Shopee Fans icon “SF” in the upper right corner of the browser , click the “Activate” menu, select the Shopee shop and input the activation code, then click “Activate Now”.

2. Login KeYouYun ERP and Shopee
Before auto follow and auto unfollow, please make sure to login “KeYouYun ERP” and “Shopee”.
1, If you do not sign in KeYouYun ERP, click sign in KeYouYun ERP
2, not login Shopee, please login Shopee
3. Shopee Auto Follow
- Open the Shop’s Followers Page: move the mouse on the product item in list or in the lower right corner of the product details page, click the menu “Follow Shop’s Follow” button.
- Start to Auto Follow: click icon “SF” on the right side of the page , select the “Shop Followers” tool, and click “Start Following” button. (Note: Don’t close the page)
Auto Follow Skill
Learn the following ways to improve your shop followers.
1. Choose Shop: Select good shop that sells similar products and sells the top sales
2. Choose User: Select buyers and small sellers to follow
3. Shop Decoration: Decorate text or banner such as “Gift for Shop Following “, “discount for Shop Follow” on the shop homepage.
4. Keep Product Listing: Keep publish products every day, and price has discount advantage
5. Keep Follow: Keep follow shop’s followers every day and select the best time to following
6. Unfollow: Must to unfollow your following users (Max Limit: 1000 following users), advice unfollow your following users, remain somedays for users who will follow your shop and become your followers
- Following Users Total Limit: 100/day, max following is 1000
- Data Delay: After following, the total number of Shop’s following users will not change immediately, and the Shopee data will be delayed. (Dont worry, anythings will be ok after some hours)
Shopee Auto Follow Video:

4. Shope Auto Unfollow
Click the Shopee Fans navigation menu “Shop Unfollow” on the right side of the page, then click the Shopee Fans icon “SF” , select “Shop Followers” to enter the unfollow panel, and click “Start Unfollow” button (note: do not close the web page).
Unfollow Skill
The total number of Shop following has an max limit ( 1K ). Recommend the seller remain the time for the user to follow your shop (usually 5 days), and remember to unfollow your shop followings.
- Unfollow Total Limit: No limit, sometime you can unfollow all of your shop followings
- Unfollow in Order: Unfollow your followings in the earliest time first, the last following will display on top in your shop follow page
- Data Delay: After unfollowing, the total number of Shop’s following users will not change immediately, and the Shopee data will be delayed. (Dont worry, anythings will be ok after some hours)
Shopee Auto Unfollow Video

5. View Following Yours
1. Users Following Yours Recently
In the “Shop Followers” panel, select “Follow Dynamic List”. Below you can see the users who have followed you recently, including the user name and follow time. At the same time, click the user name to jump to the user’s home page.
2. Send Message to Your Followings
Tick the users who have followed you recently, and then enter the content of the message, then click “Send Message”, you can push some marketing messages to the new users!
Recommended reading: Fan groups send messages to do fan marketing!