Product Price Currency Auto Exchange

Shopee has 8 sites in Singapore, Malay, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Brazil. At the same time, sellers can quickly collect products from other e-commerce platforms through Shopee Assistant. The exchange rate is different, and KeYouYun ERP provides automatic conversion of product prices, converting different currency types into the same currency, such as RMB, so that the seller can clearly understand the product price.

Product Copy to New -KeYouYun ERP

When editing products in KeYouYun ERP, you can choose to quote the product function, copy the content of the source product or online product to the current product, and also copy the online product into a new product, so as to quickly release a new similar Products, product references and copy functions can effectively help sellers quickly update or publish existing similar products.

Edit Product Image – KeYouYun ERP

KeYouYun ERP provides editing and beautification of product pictures. Shopee sellers can click on the edit button in the product picture when editing the product individually or in batches. You can trim, add text, add special effects and other effects on the picture. A product picture It is clear and has a sense of scene, and it also comes with some store marketing copy and LOGO, which can effectively quote the buyer’s browsing and placing orders to improve the conversion rate of product orders.

Shopee Product Category – KeYouYun ERP

When there are many new products in Shopee shop, the display on the front page of the shop will appear very messy. When the buyer visits the shop, it will be difficult to find the product he needs. The products are grouped together, and the display position and order of the product categories can be set at the same time, which can better improve the conversion rate of store orders.

Shopee Product Auto-boosting – KeYouYun ERP

KeYouYun ERP can add Shopee products to the top promotion. The added products will be automatically added to the Shopee new listing. Each store can promote up to 5 products within 4 hours. If the products with traffic are added to the top, it will affect the free search weight. It is recommended to promote the new products to increase the exposure and access traffic of store products.

Shopee Pricing Tool – KeYouYun ERP

Shopee Shopee has 8 sites in Singapore, Malay, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan. The freight calculation rules and platform logistics subsidies for each Shopee site are different. For example, Taiwan’s first weight is 0.5KG, and there is no freight subsidy for the platform However, Malay is divided into three districts, and the first and last weight units are different. As a result, when Shopee sellers manage multiple stores, they ca n’t set prices quickly. KeYouYun ERP provides pricing tools that can be used as an important reference tool for pricing.

Transfer Product to Warehouse Item – KeYouYun ERP

When the seller’s order quantity increases or multiple stores or promotion, in order to reduce the purchase cost of the product, the product will be purchased in batches, and at the same time, the inventory management of the product will be carried out to control the product inventory in time to replenish the product in time. KeYouYun ERP has complete warehousing and purchasing functions. Before managing the purchase and sales inventory of the goods, the seller needs to perform one-click operation on the goods to realize the goods inventory scheduling and management between multiple platforms and multiple stores.

Moving Shop Product – KeYouYun ERP

Youyou Cloud ERP provides one-click moving of shop products such as Shopee shrimp skin and Lazada. You can select products that need to be moved and copy them to other shops with one click to quickly copy products. Due to the different categories and languages of different sites, The platform repeats the inspection of products and other issues. Shrimp skin sellers need to pay attention to the language translation and partial content adjustment of the product when the store moves, in order to prevent the store from being deducted and scored.

Batch Edit and Publish Product – KeYouYun ERP

KeYouYun ERP can batch edit unreleased products and online products, and can modify category attributes, product pictures, basic information, price inventory, logistics information and other information in batches. It also supports multiple data settings, such as price Increased percentages, batch watermarking of pictures, and automatic generation of specification codes help sellers edit data and publish products quickly.